Key Stage Two Integration Programme (KIP)

(Adapted from parent resource package)
  1. The Rationale of KIP理念

    A literacy approach in Key Stage 2 builds on and reinforces the prior knowledge and skills that students have acquired in Key Stage 1 and incorporates innovative teaching strategies that support and extend students’ developing capacities.


  2. The Aim of KIP目的

    To assist students with the transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 and prepare them for Key Stage 3 (secondary), with a focus on learner diversity.


  3. The Features of KIP特色
    • caters for learner diversity;
    • provides students with focused support through small group teaching and
    • provides meaningful context for English participation

The Reading Workshops 學生在閱讀課的學習

The Writing Workshops 學生在寫作課的學習